All in-one equipment: From core preparation to core digitalization and data integration. A surgical surface preparation on fresh cores enables high-resolution data acquisition prior to core plugging and slabbing.
Maximum data recovery for a minimum footprint and limited core exposure: Sample preservation is ensured by limiting the period of exposure to ambient conditions. Only a few millimetres of the outer surface of rock samples are powdered to access an uncontaminated core section.
Continuous transdisciplinary core measurements: Geochemistry, Sedimentology, Geology, Mineralogy, Rock Mechanics, Petrophysics. The transdisciplinary nature of CoreDNA encompasses the full spectrum of data analysis targeted by the community of core specialists.
Near-instant data and report delivery within days of the end of the campaign. Data are crunched by sophisticated AI algorithms developed to identify lithofacies prior to taking any plugging decisions and without causing irremediable damage to the core.
Versatility: CoreDNA can be deployed on any sample shape and size (full fresh cores, 1/3rd & 2/3rd cuts, resinated trays, plugs & sidewall plugs, cuttings).
Highest quality standard: Epslog controls the entire value chain by developing its own equipment and software.
Rock cores are complex objects, with value chains shared by several custodians from different disciplines, often with competing priorities. Years of experience working across disciplinary silos helped us grasp the necessity of a transversal/multi-disciplinary, sustainable approach to core analysis.
This understanding led us to develop CoreDNA;
a unique multi-sensor core digitalization program that provides quantitative high-resolution logs with unprecedented speed. QCing and integration of this comprehensive dataset start as soon as the testing campaign finishes. Deliverables are handed over to the client in a timely manner.
The CoreDNA data is formatted for AI applications designed for the rapid and systematic identification of lithofacies as per the specific requirements of each technical discipline, from sedimentology to geomechanics.
Output files are provided in industry standard formats (e.g. .las/.csv), enabling rapid integration with existing client databases at a core, formation, or even field scale. Consistency in data delivery format favours continuous refinements of AI predictors suitable
for almost all subsurface applications.
CoreDNA brings core analysis to the 21st century…
Thrilled to share that Epslog has been given the incredible opportunity to contribute to a fantastic collection of scientific articles. We’re diving deep into the world of cores to explore their immense value and significance.
Special thank you to Adrian Neal and the The Geological Society for the hard work.
CoreDNA brings core analysis to the 21st century…
With CoreDNA, we seamlessly integrate petrophysical, geological, mineralogical, sedimentological, and rock mechanical data to derive data driven transdisciplinary lithofacies. These facies serve as the compass guiding sub-sampling efforts, ensuring efficient characterization of each distinct facies.
AI trained to segment automatically grains from ultra high resolution images acquired through the CoreDNA process.
Click to see the full video…
Reveal Core DNA faster and accurately
This quarter, Epslog is on its way to digitalize more than 3000m of cores, a new record in the lifetime of the company.
Reveal Core DNA faster and accurately
An important milestone has been reached for EPSLOG this year. CoreDNA solution was…
Reveal Core DNA faster and accurately
Reveal Core DNA faster and accurately
An interesting month ahead… Epslog will CoreDNA scan 5 different core materials in three…
Reveal Core DNA faster and accurately
A beautiful video from Nedmag where the CoreDNA solution is implemented at the wellsite for…