Our technical know-how is the key to our success. We are constantly honing our skills and keeping our standard products at the cutting edge of core analysis. Our unique skillset can also be mobilized to design and produce custom solutions for specific client needs.
The Wombat is our transportable benchtop concept, fully developed in house.
It is nimble enough to be deployed quickly and anywhere by air freight, yet rugged enough to withstand harsh conditions for long periods of time with minimal maintenance.
Its versatile, plug & play design integrates multiple sensors and fully automated components to create a broad range of high-resolution logs with quasi non-destructive tests on any rock sample geometry, from whole cores to cuttings.
The main enabler of CoreDNA is the MiniSlab, a flat and smooth surface created all along whole cores using the Wombat motion control technology.
The MiniSlab is leveled with micron scale accuracy, creating an ideal surface to conduct several tests such as probe permeability, pXRF measurements, ultra-high resolution core photography, and more...
On a 4-inches diameter core, removing a 3mm-thick layer of rock suffices to create a 3cm wide flat surface, suitable to take high-fidelity measurements that would otherwise require slabbed cores.
Standard core photos are taken with conventional lenses giving a 30μm/px resolution, over a 6 cm-wide area, covering the entire sample length (up to 1m).
Ultra-high resolution photos are taken with dedicated lenses giving a 1.8μm/px resolution over a 7mm-wide area covering the entire sample length (up to 1m). Resolution enables individual grain fabrics to be viewed.
Controlled illumination (UV or white light) and calibrated camera settings warrant high-fidelity pictures, from which reliable structural (from standard resolution pictures) and textural (from ultra-high resolution pictures) information is extracted.
Our laser scan technology uses a laser beam to map the topography of the MiniSlab surface continuously along whole cores, with a vertical accuracy of 1 micron and a horizontal resolution of 20*20 microns.
Topographic maps are analysed to derive continuous logs of grain (in clastic rocks) or pore (in carbonate rocks) size distributions along tested cores, utilising proprietary algorithms.
A portable XRF system is integrated to the Wombat. The detector moves along the core sample and measures compositions
of magnesium and heavier elements along the minislab surface, with a resolution of 1cm.
Elemental composition profiles are useful indicators to map
changes of mineralogy along tested cores. Generation of key
elemental ratio data acts as a powerful proxy for primary
lithology and/or clay composition and abundance.
Our gas probe permeability system creates logs of permeability
values (in a 0.01mD to 10D range) along tested core samples.
Probe permeability data integrity is ensured by the quality of the prepared minislab surface.
Scratch test:
Rock strength (i.e. the pressure at which the rock is failing)
is measured continuously during the scratch test, with a high
sampling frequency and high precision, resulting in continuous
Uniaxial Compressive Strength profiles @ 1cm scale.
Compressional and shear velocities
Two probes, a source and receiver, measure the transit time
of P and S waves, generating ultrasonic log profiles.